Parish Safeguarding Officer

Maggie Weeden

Contact 07483 120603

Leaflet : Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency

The Diocese Safeguarding Team see below.

In Clifton Diocese we are deeply committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all those entrusted to our care, especially the most vulnerable among us. The Church’s mission is to bring the light of Christ to the world, and we must be vigilant in protecting those who are at risk of harm. The sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults is a grave sin that deeply offends our Lord and causes immense harm to victims.

As the shepherd of this diocese, I take this responsibility very seriously and I am determined to do everything in my power to prevent such abuses from occurring and to respond swiftly and compassionately when they do.

To this end, we have implemented robust safeguarding policies and procedures throughout the diocese.  It is the responsibility of everyone within the Diocese of Clifton to ensure our parishes and institutions are safe places, especially for those who are vulnerable. We have a zero tolerance to abuse, harm and any behaviour that falls short of appropriate safeguarding practices as expressed in National Policies from the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency.

We are also committed to fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within the Church in all our activities. Responding to those who come forward to report having suffered harm is a vital part of our mission and the Diocese is committed to being a welcoming and safe Church that is truly a beacon of light and hope for all.

We strive to support survivors and those who have been harmed by the Church, and we wish to work with survivors to improve standards further.  We will listen and learn from every survivor/victim we work with.

May the grace of God strengthen us in this vital mission.

Bishop Bosco MacDonald, May 2024