All Vigil/Sunday Masses will have hymns sung either accompanied or unaccompanied in both St Joseph’s Ilminster or English Martyrs Chard that fit the Liturgy.

1st Sunday Ilminster Hymns

Chard Sung Mass English Plain Chant with sung Psalm in Chard

2nd  Sunday Hymns only in both Churches

3rd Sunday Ilminster Hymns

Chard Children’s Mass – Liturgy lead by Youth of the Parish - Music Guitar led

4th Sunday Hymns both Churches

Where applicable 5th Sunday of the Month – Hymns both Churches

The Psalm will be sung in Chard by Michael Wilson-Smith on Sundays where he attending Mass

Have a question contact Susan Parsons


Give your name and contact Number to Maggie in the Office and I will call you.

Catch me after Mass and have a chat

Hymns for the coming Month

Click here

Do you play an instrument?

We would love to have you play at our 3rd Sunday of the Month Mass in Chard. Why not give it a try?

Enjoy singing?

We currently sing as a group on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month in Chard. You do not have to do both Masses and you do not need to read music

We Practice on the last Saturday of the Month in the Parish Hall in Chard 10:15-11:30am Cliick here for list of dates

Parish Easter Masses

We are looking for Singers to support the sining at Mass in Chard during the Easter Triduum just pop along to one of our Saturday practices or contact Susan by emailing

or speak to me after Mass - Susan