First Holy Communion

Those wishing to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion or Confirmation are asked to please register at the Parish office before the end of December. 

A form is available in the church, from the Parish office or download Application form by Clicking here (word version)

download Application form by Clicking here  (PDF version)

Chętnych do przyjęcia sakramentu I Komunii Świętej lub bierzmowania prosimy o rejestrację w biurze parafialnym do końca listopada. Formularz jest dostępny w kościele, w biurze parafialnym lub kliknij jeden z podkreślonych tytułów powyżej, aby pobrać plik PDF do druku.

Click Here to download a copy in Polish


An application to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation must be signed by the young person wishing to receive the sacrament, and a parent or guardian.  English Martyrs does not have a bespoke programme for confirmation, rather it prepares children for the sacrament as part of its Faith in Action scheme.  Children preparing for confirmation are expected to fully participate in the scheme which helps them to become more conversant with their faith and to put it into action. 

The application form may be downloaded here. Word Format

The application form may be downloaded here PDF Format

For Baptism or Marriage please contact the Parish Office and book an appointment with Canon John

The Sacraments of Baptism First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage.

First Holy Communion (School Year 3, age 7 - 8+ ) Confirmation (age 14-18)

English Martyrs Schedule for First Holy Communion programme 2025 Click Here