The Lord’s Larder Chard

Thank you for the recent donations of food and money to our CCT food bank. Please continue to  support this essential local registered charity.

If you have any spare items in cupboards or could pick up an extra item whenever you shop and donate it would be greatly appreciated. Please leave any donations in the box at the back of the churches in Chard or Ilminster The key items that we would like to receive are:

What is Churches Together in England?

In 1990 four ecumenical ‘instruments’ were created in Britain and Ireland to enable churches to relate to each other in shared witness to Jesus Christ, shared exploration of faith and belief and for mutual support and encouragement. Churches Together in England is one of these and plays its part in supporting and encouraging relationships at a national level. Churches Together at a county and large city level and at a more local level in neighbourhoods are also supported and encouraged, although there is no structural relationship between the various organisations.

Our summer Holiday Club has the theme of “Going where no man has gone before’ the Galaxy.

Chard Churches Together summer holiday club for primary school aged children. Running from 29th July-2nd August at Holyrood Academy, lower site, 10am-1.30pm. Lunch included. Early booking is advised Click here for booking form

April 2023

Chard Churches Together gave a powerful witness to the people of

Chard on Good Friday

Friday, April 7th, where over 100 people followed the cross from Holyrood School,  Zembard Lane through the Town Centre, pausing at the Guildhall for a prayer and hymn, proceeding to the Good Shepherd Church for a service and refreshments. Each year the churches take it in turns to host the services. 

For the second year running, we have used volunteer actors to take the parts of Jesus carrying the cross and Roman soldiers guarding him. This year we also had some followers in costume. We walked in silence to a steady drum beat, which made it a solemn and moving experience and helped us dwell on Jesus’s last earthly walk which led to his crucifixion. 

People stopped to look and take photographs, others observed from their windows and cars, which proves that imagery is powerful in making a statement. It reminded people of what Easter really means, especially in this materialistic secular age, where the media is constantly saying there is a huge decline in Christianity and low church attendance. Chard can truely show that faith is very much alive, and the churches are very much active in the community. Everyone was welcome to join us in our witness and Easter Sunday services. 

Cheryl Swift

October 2023

Chard Churches Together held a peace vigil on the night of the Town’s  Halloween festival, on the forecourt of the Baptist Church in the town centre. 

We took a huge risk of possible revellers in costume disrupting this! However, it was s huge success, children and adults queued to enter the space surrounded by fairylights, to light a battery candle for Peace.

We ran out of 200 candles after 45min and people were still pouring in, we gave out 260 stickers of a white cross with the words 

‘Jesus is the light, pray for peace’ 

The children dressed in all sorts of weird costumes were happy to accept the stickers. 

It was an emotionsl and moving atmosphere enhanced by Taize music in the background.

Next year we need a possible Pastoral Care hub with free bibles available, for anyone wanting to talk. Even in the rain it was worth the effort for people to escape the madness of this world for just a few minutes, and tell the people. ‘Jesus is the light, shining in the Darkness’