Upcoming Local events.
CLG Lenten Lunch Friday 21st March 12noon - 1.30pm in aid of CAFOD. Please come and enjoy an array of delicious home-made soups and bread.
Back by popular demand is the Parish Auction - 21st March 6pm in the Parish Hall
We are asking from good quality used items or unwanted Christmas Present to auction all proceeds will go to parish funds
Parish visit to Forde Abbey: The CLG is organising a visit to Forde Abbey to include Mass on Tuesday 6th May 2025 . Tickets go on sale this weekend. The cost is £15pp which gives access to the House and Gardens.
Other Events
Diocesan Jubilee Celebration of Hope on Saturday 19 July at Downside School & Abbey. see our Jubilee page for more details
Diocesan Curia Conference Day Join us on Saturday March 29th 2025 at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College Bristol, for a day filled with learning, networking, and enjoyment. Doors open from 9:30am with pastries and refreshments.
The event is for parishes and volunteers to meet with members of the Curial departments and attend a variety of presentations and workshops. The event will begin at 9.45am and finish at 2.30pm. see

Christmas Coffee Morning
Saturday Coffee Morning - Come and enjoy some festive goodies, Dec 100 Club Draw and Raffle

Faith in Action Fund Raiser
Parish Family Bingo – Saturday 14th December: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Come along to our very enjoyable Bingo evening which will be run by the Faith in Action group.
At the event there will be a range of refreshments served including peanuts, crusty fresh bread, homemade soup (English and Filipino soups) crisps, coffee, tea, wine, squash, water and fruit juices. First drink and soup/bread included in price of your ticket.
On the day you can obtain raffle tickets for a chance to win a prize! And, also, win prizes at Bingo. We would appreciate any donations for the prizes that can be put in the hall after Mass or delivered to the parish office.
Tickets are £5 per person (under 10’s are free), available after Mass at St Joseph’s on 30th November and English Martyrs on 1st December (maximum number of people attending the event is 60). We would love to see you there; the money accumulated from the event will be used to support the funds of the Faith in Action group.
If you wish to donate to the Faith In Action fund raising via BACS, please transfer your donation to: Parish of English Martyrs Chard. Acc: 66286751; Sort Code: 52-10-03; Ref: Faith in Action Events.
Faith In Action Fund Raiser
3.5-mile sponsored walk from English Martyrs on Saturday 2nd November (all parishioners are welcome to attend, leaving at 10:15am

Parish Coffee Morning November 2024
Hosted by Catholic ladies Group
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods

Parish Coffee Morning October 2024
Hosted by Men of the Parish
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods
Glastonbury Parish annual trip to Buckfast
Glastonbury Parish have arranged their annual trip to Buckfast on Thursday 19th September and invite parishioners from other parishes with the Pastoral Area to join them. 19 September 2024 - Cost £22 or less depending on numbers for the 53-seater coach. Pick-ups at Shepton Mallet – Glastonbury Somerton and Chard. (times to be arranged). Mass led by Fr Dominic at 12 noon in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel with Exposition at 3.30 p.m. for half an hour. Coach will leave Buckfast at 4.30 p.m. Bring packed lunch or visit the Grange Restaurant on site. For information phone Glastonbury office administrator Maggy - 07973617057 or Mario 07966472021
Harvest Mass followed by Family Picnic
All families are welcome to the Family Picnic, which follows the Harvest Mass, next Sunday 8th September. There will be games for the youngsters. Adults will be welcomed with a glass of wine or soft drink upon arrival, and snacks. Please bring your own picnic.

Parish Coffee Morning September 2024
Hosted by SVP
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods

Faith in Action
Penance, Prayer and Pizza
Calling all youngsters who have made their First Holy Communion! Come along on Friday 6th September from 5:15pm to 7:30pm to kick-off your new academic year with Penance, Prayer at Mass, followed by Pizza and games. Yes, you can bring your families too!

Parish Coffee Morning August 2024
Hosted by Ilminster Parishioners Debbie and Clare
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods

Chard Churches Together Summer Holiday Club
Our summer Holiday Club has the theme of “Going where no man has gone before’ the Galaxy.
Chard Churches Together summer holiday club for primary school aged children. Running from 29th July-2nd August at Holyrood Academy, lower site, 10am-1.30pm. Lunch included. Early booking is advised Click here for booking form

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Glastonbury – Sunday 14th July
The Annual Pilgrimage to Glastonbury will take place on Sunday, 14th July 2024. This year’s pilgrimage will be centred around the theme of ‘Mary, Woman of Prayer’.
From 12 noon until 3:00 pm, the Shrine Church will transform into a chapel of Exposition and Silent Adoration, offering a peaceful and contemplative environment just opposite the Abbey grounds. During this time, visiting priests will provide the sacrament of Reconciliation in the Shrine Church.
In addition, from 12 noon until 3:00 pm, Private Healing Prayer will be offered in a single tented chapel located just inside the Abbey gates, opposite the Shrine Church.
At 2:15 pm, the Rosary procession will commence in the Abbey grounds, followed by the Pilgrimage Mass at 3:30 pm, also held in the Abbey grounds.

Parish BBQ
Friday 12 July 2024 6:30pm
Food served from 7pm
Parish Hall Chard TA20 1EP
Come join the fun Ticket Price £10 per person and includes
a Burger and Sausage with choice of salads and your first drink
Children Under 12 are free (yu will need a ticket for thier food and drink which will be issued at no cost.

Parish Coffee Morning July 2024
Hosted by Stella and Michael
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods

Healing Mass Chard
This Mass is specifically for the sick and infirm of the parish, but all are welcome as we all experience sickness in our own way whether in body, mind, or spirit.
The SVP will provide refreshments in hall after the Mass. All are welcome.

Healing Mass Glastonbury
There will be Individual Healing Prayer, Exposition, Confession and Individual Benediction. Do come and take this opportunity to pray for yourself and any others you may know and wish to pray for, and to receive a special blessing. All welcome.

Parish Coffee Morning June 2024 with 100 Club Draw
Hosted by Parishioners from Crewkerne
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods
We will also have the next 100 Club Draw
Celebration of Marriage & Family Life
The Bishop will be celebrating Mass in the Cathedral on Saturday 25th May at 12 noon and is inviting all families to join him to celebrate the joys & challenges of family life. In addition, we will celebrate those couples celebrating a significant anniversary during 2024. If you are, or know of a couple celebrating special anniversaries during 2024 please do let us know.
You just need to send names to adult.education@cliftondiocese.com with the address so that a personal invitation can be sent to them from the Bishop, including the number of years celebrating.
It is always a wonderful Mass at the Cathedral, and it is always good to see so many of you there.

Parish Coffee Morning May 2024 with Shared Parish Lunch
Hosted by The Catholic Ladies Group
Grab a refreshing cuppa - catch up with friends and purchase some baked goods or a plant.

Concert in the Church Hall Parish Fund Raiser
So far we have singing, a magic act, a small revue and more.
Tickets will go on sale shortly

SVP Afternnon Tea
Book your place by returning the flyer or call Magie in the Parish Office.

Crewkerne Walk of Witness
The Crewkerne Walk of Witness will departing from The Henhayes Centre, Crewkerne, at 10.30am on Good Friday and is Hosted by St Barts Church this year.

Walk of Witness Chard
Chard Walk of Witness Friday 29th March 10:00am Starting at the Good Shepherd.

Chrism Mass Clifton Cathedral
The Mass of Chrism is celebrated at Clifton Cathedral Bishop Declan, Priests and Deacons, religious and laity from the Diocese. The holy oils used in the sacraments are blessed and the priests renew their commitment to the priesthood.
The Parish We are arranging a coach to take us to the Chrism Mass at Clifton Cathedral on Wednesday 27th March. Seats cost £15 per person payable at time of booking. Forms are located at the back of the church. Place the completed form with cash or cheques made payable to “Parish of English Martyrs Chard” in an envelope marked Chrism Coach and hand it into the Parish office as soon as possible. The coach will be departing at 8:15am from The George Hotel Crewkerne and 8:30am from English Martyrs Chard.

Big Lent Walk 2
The Big Lent Walk 2024 for Communities
CAFOD has organised The Big Lent Walk to help fight global poverty and English Martyrs is registered to take part. The aim is for parish families, groups and individuals to walk 200 kilometres (124 miles) in 40 days (about 3 miles per day), before Easter and to each raise £200 through sponsorship. Walking includes steps around the home, going to school or work, shopping, at the park, playing football/rugby, or going for a walk. Two Parish walks have been arranged for Sunday 25th February and Sunday 24th March both at 2:30pm starting at English Martyrs Car Park, each about 3-4 miles. Sign up at https://walk.cafod.org.uk/, 'Parishes Sign-Up', and then 'The Big Lent Walk 2024 for Communities' at Just Giving, linking into English Martyrs, Chard. For more information contact Catherine and Tom at catechists.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com.

Penance & Pizza
All youngsters of any age who have taken their First Holy Communion are welcome to attend our next Penance, Prayer and Pizza evening on 22nd March from 5:15pm to 7:30pm, with their families. This is a wonderful occasion where the youngsters can make their confession, spend time together before the Blessed Sacrament, attend Mass, and then relax and enjoy fun and games with each other in the hall over pizza. Parents, please contact Catherine or Tom at catechists.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com and let us know numbers for catering purposes.

Day of Recollection
We will be holding a Day of Recollection in the Parish Hall on Saturday 16th March from after the 9.30 Mass ending about 3pm with Exposition. All are welcome, but a particular focus will be placed on the Eucharist as the Diocese requires that the Parish provides Eucharistic Ministers with the opportunity for reflection on the Eucharist and its place in the minister’s life at least once a year with Lent being one of the recommended times and so we would hope that all current Eucharistic Ministers will be able to attend