Our Parish

Below is a list of Useful Contacts. 

Contact in the first instance should be made through the Parish Administrator

Parish office Tel: 07483 120603 or email chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com

Social Events Coordinator Parish Social events Co-ordinator: Mac Wheadon

Safeguarding Officer Maggie Weedon

Parish Premises Office George Roffe-Sylvester

Hall Hire/Hall Management Maggie Weedon/Steve Crabb

Altar Servers Peter Rodgers(Chard) Mac Wheadon (Ilminster)

Repository These items are available after Mass in Ilminster and Chard or from Maggie during office hours

Church Cleaning or Gardening Volunteers are always welcome please contact Maggie in the Parish Office

Saint Vincent de Paul Society Mike Wilson-Smith (Chairperson)

Catholic Ladies Group Pam Lawrence (Chairperson)

Parish Prayer Group Chard Mike Wilson-Smith

100 Club Coordinator – Pat Reed

Flowers The flowers in the Church are donated (although we do raise funds twice a year for our Christmas and Easter Services).  If you would like to donate flowers or join the Rota for arranging the flowers in either of the churches, please contact  Pat Bostock -Smith

Readers of the Liturgy of the Word.  We are now looking at readers for 2024 Sat/Sun Masses and other occasions.  If you were recommissioned in November, please ensure Maggie/ Susan/Pat has you name and contact details so we can rota you to read at Ilminster or Chard

Please email Susan at  liturgy.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com .

Pat Bostock -Smith – Ilminster

Susan Parsons – Chard ( Could you be the contact in Chard?  Please email Susan at the above email address to discuss what is involved in the role).

Catechists Tom and Catherine Morrell currently run the Parish First Holy Communion Programme and the Faith in Action Group which includes Preparation for Confirmation.  They can be contacted at catechists.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com

Finance Committee -

Canon John Cunningham, Parish Priest

Diane Butler, Parish Treasurer,

Geoff Constable, Gift Aid Co-ordinator

George Roffe-Sylvester , Parish Premises Office


Role of the Committee

·         It is he only Committee that the Parish must have.

·         Meets four times a year.

·         Assist the Parish priest in the running of the Parish Finances.

·         Responsible for producing a budget for each year.

·         .Responsible for reporting our financial information to the diocese.

·         All Parish expenditure goes through this committee for consideration.

 If you feel you would like to join this committee or have any questions, please email

Treasurer.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com and CC Chard@englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com

Liturgy Committee

Canon John Cunningham, Parish Priest

Peter Rodgers (Chairperson)                             Susan Parsons (Notetaker)

Ingrid Bloomfield                                                 Mike Wilson Smith

Role of the Committee

·         Meets twice a year in January and September. 

·         Preparation for Sunday Mass and other celebrations

·         Co-ordination Specialist liturgical ministries are planned and performed by those who have the necessary knowledge and skills. 

·         Co-ordination of these various ministries to ensure that they are carried out with a common understanding of the spirit and structure of the celebration.

·         The liturgy committee is the avenue for communication between the different liturgical ministry groups in the parish.

·         Formation to provide opportunities for spiritual and practical formation for its own members, for the various liturgical ministers and for the parish. 

·         Evaluation Looking back at the way feasts and seasons were celebrated.  What worked well that should be retained? What needs to be revised, improved, or eliminated in the future? 

If you feel you would like to join this committee or have any questions, please email

Liturgy.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com and CC Chard@englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com


Finance Committee

Canon John Cunningham, Parish Priest Diane Butler, Parish Treasurer,

Geoff Constable, Gift Aid Co-ordinator George Roffe-Sylvester , Parish Premises Office


Role of the Committee

·         It is he only Committee that the Parish must have.

·         Meets four times a year.

·         Assist the Parish priest in the running of the Parish Finances.

·         Responsible for producing a budget for each year.

·         .Responsible for reporting our financial information to the diocese.

·         All Parish expenditure goes through this committee for consideration.


If you feel you would like to join this committee or have any questions, please email

Treasurer.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com and CC Chard@englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com

Parish Pastoral Council

Canon John Cunningham, Parish Priest

Notetaker – Vacancy if you would like to undertake this role, please give your name to Maggie in the office.

Mike Wilson-Smith (Ilminster) – Chairperson Clare Robards (Ilminster)

Catherine Morrell (Chard) Kookie Cabioc (Chard)

Pam Lawrence (Crewkerne) Graham Collingridge (Crewkerne)


Role of the Parish Pastoral Council

·         The role of the council is to support the parish priest in ascertaining and developing the pastoral needs of the parish.

 If you feel you would like to join this committee or have any questions, please email

michael.wilson-smith@cliftondiocese.com and CC Chard@englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com

 Other Local Groups:

Chard Churches Together Penny Medland and Cheryl Swift

Chard Lord’s Larder Mike Wilson Smith


Diocesan new Pastoral areas

Full list of the new Pastoral areas: Pastoral area List 2023