Your donations keep us going

The Parish appreciates all donations particularly in view of the continuing COVID implications and the current financial strain all households are experiencing.

You can make a donation to the Parish by using one or more of the following methods listed

You can donate here using the button below

Donate to the Parish

These methods may be used by either tax payers or non tax payers (tax payers please consider registering for gift aid (see additional notes)

To make donations at Mass (also see additional notes). As well as Cash in the offertory collection our church in Chard is able to offer Contactless Giving. We can accept cashless donations for the Parish by debit or credit cards from all major cards. You will find our contactless handsets at the back of the church (English Martyrs Chard). Just use your contactless debit or credit card or you can insert your card into the keypad where you can authorise your donation using your card’s PIN.

You can also register for Gift-Aid and you will only have to do this the first time you donate. NB. You will need register even if you are already registered as a Gift-Aider with the parish.

To make a regular donation by Standing Order Giving If you would like to give regularly by standing order, direct to the Parish Bank Account (preferred option when making regular donations) Please contact the Parish Administrator who can send you the appropriate form to complete.

To make a One off Donations direct to the Parish Bank Account. BACs details please email - who can provide the details needed.

By cheque please take or send cheques to the Parish office. Cheques should be made out to English Martyrs Chard

For any questions or further information around regular giving or Gift aid please contact Geoff Constable Gift Aid Coordinator.

Please remember if you are a taxpayer you can gift aid any donation.

Telephone on 01460 221085.

By E Mail

Data Protection Policy of the Diocese requires the use of Geoff`s diocesan E Mail for correspondence relating to Gift Aid.

Additional Notes

Dona – This platform has replaced PayPal

Plate Collection - Some years ago the Government introduced the Small Donations Gift Aid Scheme. This means that any cash donation of £30 and under in the plate at Mass attracts Gift Aid Tax Relief as previously stated. Each Church (Chard Crewkerne & Ilminster is allowed to utilise collections of up to £8,000 per tax year giving a maximum Gift Aid Tax Relief payment of £2,000 for each location.Donations of under £30 made using Dona ( this replace PAYPAL) will also count towards the Parish totals as mentioned above you will not be required to complete the Gift Aid Section

If you are a UK Tax payer and wish the Parish to claim Gift Aid Tax Relief you will be required to complete a Gift Aid Declaration to enable the Diocese to collect the tax relief on behalf of the Parish. This is with the exception of Dona for donations in excess of £30 if you complete the Gift Aid Section on the screen correctly this is all that is required.

Gift Aid Tax relief explained This was introduced some twenty years ago to replace the earlier covenant scheme. This relief forms a vital part of Parish Income – Approximately in excess of £5,400 per annum. For the Parish to claim this relief, which is at the rate of 25%, on your net of tax contributions you must pay sufficient Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Savings or Dividend Tax to qualify. Example:- If you made a donation to the Parish of £250 in a tax year then it would claim the sum of £62.50 in relief and this is the amount of tax that you would have to have paid.

If you paid insufficient tax to cover that claimed in relief for the Parish by the Diocese then HMRC may look to you for recompense.

Please also consider Gift Aided Donations to other Charities. Any Charity only receives Tax Relief at the basic rate. If you are a marginal rate Tax Payer then you may be able to claim the difference if your tax return has been properly filled in. Please contact Geoff Constable - our Parish Organiser who will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.ith the parish.

We thank you for your continued generosity

Thank you for supporting us!

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”

— Proverbs 18:16