• Youth Activity 1

    Penance, Prayer and Pizza The Penance, Prayer and Pizza evening takes place 4 times a year at English Martyrs. This is for all young people and their families in the parish who have received their First Holy Communion. Please arrive from 5.15pm for confession and Eucharistic Adoration, followed by Mass, and then pizza in the hall and indoor games. see newsletters for dates.

  • Youth Activity 2

    Faith in Action The Faith in Action Award Scheme is for youth in the parish aged from 10 - 18 years. The scheme will also incorporate preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Contact Maggie in the parish office for more information or email catechists.chard.englishmartyrs@cliftondiocese.com

  • Welcomers

    This is far more than just a smiling face at the entrance to the Church. Our welcomers are the first point of call for many aspects of our Masses. They will meet and greet both the stranger and the friend, and offer them hymn books and leaflets so that they can fully participate in the Service.

  • Altar Servers

    Children & adults who assist the clergy in the Services in the churches especially at daily and weekend Masses. We will provide the appropriate Training. We are particularly looking for more Altar servers in Ilminster and Crewkerne and would also welcome interest in Chard. Contact Peter Rodgers or the Parish Office

  • Ministers of Holy Communion

    These people help can if required by the priest assist with the distribution of Holy Communion Mass. Some also take Communion to the sick and housebound either on a Sunday or during the week. Careful training is given before someone starts this important Ministry.

  • Parish Music

    We are re-establishing music in the Parish. We have a group of singers (varying abilities) who sing in Chard on the first Sunday of each month at the 11am Mass. We also have a children We currently have a group of singers who meet at 10.15am on the first Sunday of the Month in Chard where we sing a sung Mass at 11am. Contact Susan Parsons (07540478105) or Mike Wilson-Smith (07881 867974)

    Third Sunday of the Month we have a Children’s Mass we hope to encourage the children to take part in reading, singing and playing instruments..

  • Parish Music Group

    We are looking to set up a Music Group in the Parish for anyone who plays an instrument and would like to join us. This is open to all age groups and all standards – enthusiasm is key. The aim of the Music Group would be to enable people to come together to play music both to support the Liturgy (for example the monthly Children’s Mass) and for social purposes (the enjoyment of playing music together and supporting Parish social events as required). If you’re interested then please contact Mike Wilson-Smith via email (mike.wilsonsmith@gmail.com) or phone (07881 867974) or drop your name and contact details into the Parish Office.”

  • Readers

    The Word of God is an integral part of any Church celebration and those who read/proclaim that Word to others have an important role in all our Liturgies. We are always looking for additional readers of all ages. see the notice board in the church for your local rota co-ordinator or contact the Parish Office.

  • Refreshments & Coffee Mornings

    In Chard we have refreshments after Sunday Mass in the Parish Hall.

    1st Saturday of the Month in Chard Parish Hall we have a coffee morning and cake sale to give all parishioners (wherever they attend Mass) a chance to catch up and bring along a friend. Any funds raised go to support the Parish..

  • Catholic Ladies Group

    We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 11am, in the Parish Hall, 2 East Street, for more information click here

  • St Vincent de Paul (SVP)

    This is a group of people who spend time each week visiting the housebound, and also helping those on the margins of society. They work away very quietly and discretely. For more information click here

  • Children's Liturgy

    Children's Liturgy' is actually the 'Liturgy of the Word for Children'. where the Sunday Gospel and readings at a level the children can understand and enjoy. We do not currently have a group in our parish.

  • Flower Arrangers

    Do you have a talent for decoration or are you more of an amateur who would like to learn a bit more. Either way our teams of Flower Arrangers would be happy for you to join them. For details contact the parish office.

  • Church Cleaners

    There is a rota for Chard and Ilminster. If you can spare some time to clean the Church please contact the Parish Office

  • Gardens at Chard and Ilminster

    If you have green fingers and would like to help maintain these green areas of our churches please give you name to the Parish Office and let us know when you might be gardening. Your commitment can be what ever suits you. For further information please contact the Parish Office.

  • Repository

    Please contact the Parish Office for further information.