English Martyrs Parish Catholic Ladies Group

Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month 10:30am refreshments - meeting 11am

in the Parish Hall Chard (see newsletter for notices and updates)

Contact Linda Crabb, 01460 64109. or Pam Lawrence 01460 77176


Charities we support

  • Mary’s Meals

  • “Open Door”,  Taunton

  • Aid to the Church in Need

  • Small local charities such as “Little Daffodils”


What we do

  • Meet other, like-minded women for a chat and a cup of coffee

  • Listen to interesting and entertaining speakers

  • Support Local, National and International Charities

  • Help to organise Parish events

  • Support our Parish Priest

  • Have fun working together!


When we meet

on the second Tuesday of each month at 11am, preceded by coffee and chat at 10.30am.

see our Notices page for further details